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Lutheran Men in Mission (LMM) is a national organization with a local chapter sanctioned through Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church.  They operate under thier own consitution and budget.  LMM works to strengthen men's Christian faith, relationships, witness and service in their homes, congregation and communities.  Their mission is by God’s grace, to help congregations build life-changing ministries with men; to strengthen men’s faith and relationships for witness and service; to equip followers of Jesus Christ through events, resources, and leadership development. An their vision is for every man to become a bold, daring follower of Jesus Christ.


At Shepherd of the Hills, LMM gets together periodically to share in bible study.  They hold an annual BBQ after worship service in the Fall and in 2007 began constructing hope chests that are given to all who are baptized in the congregation.


Luther League is a youth group for Shepherd of the Hills youth ages 7th grade up, however younger members are encouraged to participate in events that are appropriate.  The mission of Luther League is to grow together in faith and share God's love.  Luther League meets as needed and participates in several fundraisers throughout the year.  They prepare and serve meals prior to lenten services in the Spring and also prepare and serve an Easter Breakfast between the two worship services on Easter Sunday. Money that is raised is put towards events sponsored by the Luther League, such as lock ins, small local trips and large trips like attending the National Lutheran Youth Gathering.  Often they are spotted singing Christmas Carols door to door during December to families in the Swift Falls area.

Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (WELCA) is also a national organization locally sanctioned through Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church.  They operate under their own constitution and budget and were at one time called the Ladies Aid. Their mission is to mobilize women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ. As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, they commit themselves to grow in faith, affirm their gifts, support one another in thier callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.


At Shepherd of the Hills, WELCA meets regularly once a month, usually after a worship service.  The women of the church are divided and assigned into one of three circles called Hope, Faith, and Love.  The circles also meet regularly either at church or within members homes for bible study and to discuss current events and needs.  The circles are often asked to work at funerals, anniversaries and the like.  WELCA also supplies items the church needs out of their budget and is very proactive in mission work. 





Joyce Lagred





Sherri Fahl


Louise Ferry


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